State-of-the-Art Technology

Here at the Southern California Sinus Institute, we realize how frustrating sinus, allergy, snoring and sleep apnea symptoms are and so we understand how important finding a long-term solution is for patients. As a result we have housed all of the latest and greatest state-of-the-art equipment to diagnose and treat your condition.
State of the Art Diagnosis of patients involves a number of the following tools:
- a comprehensive consultation and examination as well as targeted questionnaires
- nasal endoscopy
- nasal and sinus cultures for various bacteria or fungi
- in-office sinus CT scan
- blood allergy testing for environmental allergens
- home sleep study
Once all of the proper information is obtained to diagnose the cause of your condition, then appropriate treatment can be planned for each patient for a long-term solution.
State of the Art Treatment of patients then involves using all of the advanced equipment that is at our disposal to appropriately treat your specific condition. This may be limited to any one or a number of the following options available at our Institute:
- Submucous Resection of the Inferior Turbinates
- Minimally Invasive Image-Guided Sinus Surgery using Fiagon System
- Partial Septoplasty
- Latera lateral valve repair
- Clarifix cryoablation for rhinitis
- Eustachian Tube Dilation
- Laser Assisted Uvuloplasty for snoring
- In-office polypectomy